Greek Mythology Wiki
Jason taming the bulls of Aeëtes

The Colchis Bulls or Kolkhis Bulls are mythical creatures that appeared in the greek Mythology of Jason and the golden Fleece.

The Colchis Bulls are two immense Bulls with bronze horns, and bronze mounths through which they breath fire, In the Argonautica Jason is promised the prize fleece by king Aeetes if he can first yoke the Tauroi Khalkeoi and use them to phlough a Field. The Field was then to be snow with Dragons-teeth. Jason survived the burning flames of the bronze Bulls by smoking in a magical Potion that protected from the Heat. The Potion had been provide my Medea, King Aeetes´own Daughter, who had fallen in love with Jason. The Tauroi Khalkeoi were a gift to King Aeetes from the greek god blacksmith Hephaestus. He Hephaestus had also made for him Aeeles King of Kolkhis Bulls with feet if bronze the Khalkhotauroi and bronze mounths from with the breathe come out in flame blazing and terrible, and he had forget a plough of indurated steel, all in one piece.
